The origin of carnal desires

Deming Liu
1 min readMar 19, 2020

Laozi observed that when a baby is born, his sexual organ is already erect, signifying that the desire for sex and reproduction is inborn and begins as soon as a being is born. But, one wonders exactly where the carnal desire originated and passed on from a being to another being through the process of reproduction. A recent study provides the answer.

The carnal desire is nothing but a code or a piece of information or a set of instruction; it can exist on a wide range of host just as oxygen exists in air or in a rusty iron bar in combination with other elements. It can also exist on its own, seeking its host. The human body can be its host, so can the animal body. As a code, it cannot be destroyed; it can only be put in the queue behind another code.

Then, where does the code come from and who, if at all, is the designer of the code, and why? One explanation is that God or its equivalent of an intelligent being did it. Another does not address those questions directly; rather, it believes that the code functions under the instruction of the earth’s magnetic field which vibrates as information is received from outer space. The code is to execute a function for the intelligence from outer space, which function is an essential part of a larger function. What’s that larger function? It is yet to be discovered.

