The sure way to be pissed off

Deming Liu
2 min readMay 17, 2020

Coronavirus, just piss off! but it does not; it is lurking in the dark and invisible.

Coronavirus is not the only annoyance; there are plenty of worse ones. They fatten their pockets, chasing something, but they may give the world nothing. They say they warned that there is merely a possibility but never a guarantee. To them, the fun is try, but they are paid nicely, and there is no accountability. That is a lottery buying sort of game and they are privileged to play with no accountability. Are you pissed off if you read this and know this? To avoid this, just choose not to listen and not to know. Burying your head in the sand is much better than burying sand in your head!

They start to blame something for everything. They may be right or wrong, but who cares? And yet, the media apparently wants almost everyone to care, to be opinionated, so what? It may come from anywhere, just as swine flu is from the US; and the fact is that Spanish flu killed millions. Pointing fingers is giving vent to anger, but it wastes time dealing with the virus; and yet, there is reason for everything, right? Committees are set up, people are appointed, and politicians are finding opportunities to use their mouths; all of them are nicely paid whereas the mass are falling down like locusts whilst supporting those sort of anger and revenge for nothing. Be kind and be loving, ask what you can do to save people’s lives, ask not what you can hate to waste lives. Not to be pissed off; everybody will be taken care of, and history shows it is love, not hatred, not revenge, not profiteering, not poison dripping mouths that prevails.

Ordinary people are true inspiration; they are just people, showing love and care to others. They are not pretending their “expertise” to make millions and millions from the crisis of coronavirus. They may struggle with money, but they lead a decent life, rather than a bloated life bubbled by media and politicians. They are not shamans of one kind or another, they are just normal people. To be pissed off or not to be pissed off, they can decide. Abnormal people cannot decide their own lives or destinies but always claim to be able to determine the destiny of humanity — really a bag of locusts who always disappear when the sun shows, when the truth delivers justice.

